mercoledì 11 maggio 2011

11-05-2011 Interval training

This morning I had a rest heart rate of 33 beats/minute, I would say recovered from Sundays training.
After a warm up of 15 minutes I did 3 x 3 minutes at 95% with 3 minutes of recovering between each interval. Important to go below 65% at least for a minute to be ready for the next one.

After the first set of 3 intervals I rode at 75% for 10 minutes. Immediately after this again 3 sets of 3 minutes like before. After this again 10 minutes of recovering and then again 2 times 2 minutes of full power.
At Sommariva Perno, I nice town in the neighboorhood, I had the chance to do some hill climbing which I approached for 1 minute of maximum power followed buy easy pedaling.

I was pretty exhausted when I came home. 200gr of pasta with some grana cheese and virgin olive oil will bring the glycogen level at where it was. A good night sleep and tomorrow I start in the fitnessroom again. But that's for tomorrow!

09-05-2011 Monday, easy training

Today nothing spectacular, just 1,5 hour of easy training below 75% of maximum heart rate to de-intossicate the legs from Sundays training.

Tuesday, besides some general fitness training (core training) and stretching relax

domenica 8 maggio 2011

08-05-2011 MTB training

09.00 O'clock, a perfect hour to go out for training. Little bu little I start knowing my new specialized Stumpjumper. I remember the first time I got onto the bike after having used a road bike for several years. I found it big, slow and heavy. Now I start enjoying the front FOX suspension when going into the woods near my house.

When things go as planned I would like to partecipate on a Mtb XC race which is held in Roreto di Cherasco on the 22nd of May.
Next week with the team we will do the course and I will see if I can handle it technically and fisically.

The data of today's outing:
1144 kCal of which 45% FAT
Average 73% of Mhf, maximum 94%

Tomorrow 1,5 hour on the road bike, easy and relax.

07-05-2011_Giro d'Italia

Today I went to see with my good friend Cesare the first stage of the Giro d'Italia in Turin, a team time trial of 19km.
Fastest was team HTC Highroad.
A fantastic day to see the best of the best!!

After I returned home I did some fitness training including squats, abdominals and back training. Shoulders biceps and triceps. All sets, escluding leg training, without heavy weights and about 30 reps every set.

Below some shots I took during the giro..

mercoledì 4 maggio 2011

04-05-2011 Extended interval training

Yesterday morning my rest hear beat was 37, this morning 34 meaning that my body was recovering from Sunday's stress.
Today I went out for an extended interval tyraining, meaning 6 times 3 minutes at 90-95% of maximum heart rate. I can assure you that this training is hard to endure, but I need it to get some more force in my legs. They have always been rather thin and not strong. This winter I took a lot of effort in the weightlifting room I have in the attick to get some muscle building but I couldn't lift more than 110kg (1.6 times my weight). I hope this winter to get to 120kg.

Anyway, I warmed up and did 3 x 3 minutes interval with 3 minutes cooling down to get at least at 65%, then 7 minutes easy and again 3 x 3 minutes interval. Then easy again and 45 second max sprint. At the end the hill arriving at my house at max standing on the pedals.

813kCal, 40% FAT
average 79%, max 97%

lunedì 2 maggio 2011

02-05-2011 The day after

41 beats per minute...41 was the number with which I woke up this morning. 7 more than normal.
To accelerate the decrease of lactate in my legs I went out with the mtb, 51 minutes with an average heart rate of 66%. 457 kCal of which 55% fat.
Tomorrow day off.

domenica 1 maggio 2011

01-05-2011 RACE DAY

Wishhhh, I did it...and I'm happy I got it to the finish line.
32,7 average speed, timed electronically by a champion-chip. My bike computer signed 34, so at first I was more than happy and honestly thought I was within the top 100 (which was my goal), and maybe even top 50. I have to re-set my bike computer :-)

At the end I finished 199th (of almost particepants), not the best but I am happy with it. I enjoyed the race which was very nervous at the beginning, but a bit soft at the end. I ended up in a group that did not attack and did not want to catch up with a group ahead of us. The last 20km's we did at a speed of 33km/hour, nobody accept myself and another rider wanted to speed up and catch the group in front of us. I accelerated a couple of times but after 50 metres I noticed that nobody followed. A pity, we could do better.

My start number was 385 and I was in the second field of starters. the first field were ex-profs and elite cyclists and VIP's. I learned to go all-out right from the start. I started too slow and they all got past me. Next year I will be better prepared and go 100% right from the start.

Anyways, some data for the freaks:
I consumed 2872 kCals and burned 25% fat. Average percentage of MHF 87%!!! Almost all the time in anaerobic...

This morning I ate what I posted yesterday. It worked well and the 2 water bottles of each 700ml were just enough to finish.

Tomorrow an hour easy pedalling on the mtb, Tuesday off and from wednesday back on intervals again.
Tonight I hit the pillow early, I'm quiet beaten.


30-04-2011 7th taper day

Rest heart rate 34, perfect! A lot of rainshowers make me worry, but the forecast is clear sky with sun.
I am trying to set up the quantity of carbohydrates Is should eat during the race keeping in mind that a human body cannot absorb more than 60grams an hour. the setup is:

Prodotto Carboidrati kCal/caduna Qt. Totale gram carboidrati Tot. kCal Quando
Spaghetti 71,7 350 3,5 250,95 1225    3 ore prima
Enervit pre-sport 51,3 205 1 51,3 Alla partenza
Enervit pre-sport 51,3 205 1 205 Dopo un ora, discesa Monforte
Enervitene sport nella boraccia da 700ml 53 1 53 205,64 Durante la corsa
Panino con marmelata 30 134 2 60 268 Dopo seconda ora, discesa Bossolasco
Ultimate proteica 16 159 2 32 318 Discesa Serralunga
Energia rapida professional 30 120 1 30 120 Rotonda Macellai
Totale 226,3 2341,64
Fabbisogno 204 3000

The bike should be perfect. I changed a cable that was not clean and did not permit to change gear correctly.
Got the race pack containing race-number, champiochip and some integrators, honey and 2 bottles of wine!!
Tonight I go to sleep at 22.30 and will wake up fresh and ready!!!