venerdì 29 aprile 2011

29-04-2011 6th taper day

I went to bed quiet late last night and did not have my complete rest. Nevertheless my heart rate was 34 this morning, meaning that I am recovering.
Today I washed the bike and paid special attention to the drive train. I washed it completely with bio degradable liquid and used my girlfriends hairdryer to dry the spockets and chain (don't tell her ;-) though!!
I checked the tyres and they're not all too fresh, I saw some cuts in them but I do not change them...I'll take it as it comes.

No bike ride today as a rest day was planned. Tomorrow after work I'll get my race number and stuff and check if the gear change is smooth, a quick easy ride of half an hour on the rollers with one quick accelleration and then bed time early.

I started today to drink an extra bottle of water with Polase magnesium and potassium drink to avoid muscle cramps during the race. 200g of rice today with a bit of parmesan cheese, and the same tomorrow afternoon.
On raceday however 2 hours before 5g of carbohydrates per kg of bodyweight corresponding in my case of about  340g of race and/or pasta.
Tomorrow I will explain what I'll prepare exactly for the race.

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